Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lack of Posts Can Only Mean One Thing...

Can you believe it!?!? Matt and I are in our third full week of school! What happen to the days of school being Labor Day to Memorial Day? As soon as I finish learning all my students' names, assessing their reading levels, and emailing their worried parents...I'll add some posts!


Anonymous said...

Have a great Labor Day weekend. Can't wait to see your new stuff.

Marcella said...

We are completing our fourth week of school today and I am still working on assessing reading levels, emailing worried parents, and posting standards. We have gone visually standards based this year. Lots and lots of work! Enjoy your weekend. Love ya both.

Anonymous said...

OK, how is this for random! I'm a complete stranger to you, but stumbled across your blog through Karla Rausch's. She and I were good friends in HS. Then, I was like "WOW! I know that guy!" Matt taught some health class I took at PU...and back then we figured out that he knew my boyfriend of the time, Brian Wagner, through Drew Clemons. What a small world! ha! You can "cyber stalk" me at xanga.com/angi1209 if you'd like! ;-) Gotta love the age of the internet! :-)